Strengthening the capacity of youth in inter-community exchanges, leadership roles, and advocacy efforts to address their sense of marginalization and promote positive roles

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The project was implemented with support from USAID & Creatives Nigeria Northeast Connection in Hawul, Kwaya Kusar & Shani LGA, Borno state.

The project directly reached members of the community at grassroot levels and key stakeholders such as; youth, Youth groups, women groups, political office holders, government officials, traditional rulers, PWD, community members, and informal security bodies. By engaging targeted communities and stakeholdersthrough  strengthening youths and youth’s group’s participation in civic and peacebuilding spaces through knowledge building and community organizing, the project proved to enhance the knowledge and understanding of stakeholders and project beneficiaries across target communities of Hawul, Kwaya Kusar, and Shani LGAs of Borno state. These activities served as inputs towards achieving the project’s overall goal of providing youths and youth groups in targeted communities at strengthening the resilience of vulnerable youth in Southern Borno to contribute against joining violent extremism. It also seeks to reduce the vulnerability of the youths in target communities to infiltration by Violent Extremist organizations (VEOs) as a result of distraction during electoral processes. The interactions with elected officials, community stakeholders, and informal security were done through advocacy visits, training, presentation of charter of demand, community-led initiatives for peace and awareness creation meetings which aimed at creating awareness and sensitization to community members, youths groups, and women groups across Hawul, kwaya Kusar and Shani LGAs of Borno State. 

CATAI successfully strengthened the capacities of young people to develop demand charters and engaged with policy and decision-makers within the community level advocating for the participation of young people in the process of decision-making and addressing conflict issues within the various communities. As a result of the project community members are sensitized through cash for work activity providing opportunities for young women in addressing underlying issues of participation in civic engagement within the communities. In line with the project’s goal which aims to strengthen the capacities of Youth to participate in civic engagement, CATAI has supported in strengthening the capacities of over 34 groups within the various communities in Hawul, Kwaya Kusar, and Shani local Government while working to articulate youth demand charter and engage stakeholders such as political office holders and politicians within the various communities.